News Update

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15 May 2024

Honda Foundation, Inc. 1st Students on Safety in Taguig City

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25 April 2024

Honda Plans to Establish Comprehensive Electric Vehicle Value Chain in Ontario, Canada

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25 April 2024

POSCO Future M and Honda Reach Basic Agreement on Collaboration for Production of Cathode Materials for Automotive Batteries in Canada

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25 April 2024

GAC Honda to Begin Sales of All-new e:NP2, the Second Model of e:N Series

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25 April 2024

Honda Reaches Basic Agreement with Asahi Kasei on Collaboration for Production of Battery Separators for Automotive Batteries in Canada

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Toshio Kuwahara

Message From President & CEO

Honda delivered products and services that brought ‘joy’ to more than 16.5 million customers across the Asia and Oceania region in 2022, which included motorcycles, automobiles, and power products.

COVID-19 has dramatically changed and impacted our society and daily lives. Honda realizes that people around the world are making the most of their limited time and making their lives safer, more free, and more enjoyable. With that in mind, Honda has always contributed to the advancement of mobility and daily lives by becoming the “power” that supports ambitious people who strive on their own initiative.

In terms of environmental initiatives, Honda strives to realize carbon neutrality, clean energy, and resource circulation for all products and corporate activities that Honda is involved in by 2050. We have actively included carbon-free energy into our operations in the Asia and Oceania region. Over 100 megawatts of renewable energy systems have already been implemented, and we expect to increase the capacity in the future.

For safety initiatives, Honda aims to realize zero traffic collision fatalities involving Honda motorcycles and automobiles globally by 2050. In the Asia and Oceania region, we will continue to expand the application of Honda SENSING, advanced safety technologies in our automobile lineup, traffic safety education to a wider range of stakeholders, and collaboration with government and public authorities for coexisting safety infrastructures and systems.

In the area of social contribution, Honda works hand-in-hand with local communities to support the future youth, promote road safety, protect the global environment, and meet the needs of local communities to realize a sustainable society. We continue to carry out social contribution activities together with Honda subsidiaries. 

Honda aims to achieve these environmental and safety goals while at the same time make every effort to lead advancement in the areas of mobility, power units, energy, and robotics.

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Powered by Honda

In light of changes happening to our society, we believe that working in pursuit of  “eliminating our environmental impact” and “realizing safety to protect precious human lives” are two values that Honda should provide for the future. Based on this belief, we will work comprehensively to address these challenges in the areas of environment and safety.

     To be more specific, concerning the environment, we will strive to realize carbon neutrality for all products and corporate activities that Honda is involved in by 2050. In the area of safety, we will aim for zero traffic collision fatalities involving Honda motorcycles and automobiles globally by 2050.

     Honda will aim to achieve these environmental and safety goals while at the same time make every effort to lead advancement in the areas of mobility, power units, energy, and robotics.

     By offering this value to our customers and society and by becoming the “power” that supports ambitious people with initiative, including those who are trying to make changes to the society they live in and those seeking to enhance the quality of people’s lives, we will help people reach and achieve their potential. We describe this initiative by the phrase “Powered by Honda.”

     To have a firm footing when working toward our environmental and safety goals with strong determination, we must ensure that our goal to solidify our existing businesses is achieved. To this end, we will continue to work on optimizing production capacity and improving the efficiency of our Monozukuri (manufacturing), mainly in the automobile business, in order to reap the positive results of our ongoing effort to strengthen our business structure.

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Honda’s Sustainability

The Honda Philosophy forms the values shared by all Honda Group companies and all of our associates. It is the basis for Honda’s corporate activities and the attitudes and decision-making of our associates.

     To achieve both the creation of growth opportunities for the company and a sustainable society, Honda strives to be “a company that society wants to exist” as its direction for the 21st century. It is also advancing initiatives known as “Creating the Joys,” “Expanding the Joys,” and “Ensuring the Joys for the Next Generation.”

     The “2030 Vision” is one milestone indicating in concrete terms the direction Honda ought to take toward realizing these objectives.

     For Honda to achieve sustainability, it is important to meet stakeholder expectations and needs by providing value through our products and services. Equally important is to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, for instance, by considering Honda’s impact on the environment and society and to contribute to the resolution of social issues through our business activities.

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Honda's Initiatives and the SDGs

In order to share the joys with stakeholders, Honda seeks to contribute to the advancement of a mobile society with original and useful technologies that anticipate the needs of the times. 

     This approach aligns with the United Nations’ SDGs, specifically, Goal 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation,” Goal 12: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns,” and Goal 17: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnerships for sustainable development,” which aligns with Honda’s overall corporate activities. 

     Honda also believes that creating value for society while pursuing economic value will lead to sustainable corporate management and ultimately contribute to the sustainability of society. In accordance with the key issues for realizing the 2030 Vision, Honda will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs through its corporate activities.

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