Powered by Honda

In light of changes happening to our society, we believe that working in pursuit of  “eliminating our environmental impact” and “realizing safety to protect precious human lives” are two values that Honda should provide for the future. Based on this belief, we will work comprehensively to address these challenges in the areas of environment and safety.

     To be more specific, concerning the environment, we will strive to realize carbon neutrality for all products and corporate activities that Honda is involved in by 2050. In the area of safety, we will aim for zero traffic collision fatalities involving Honda motorcycles and automobiles globally by 2050.

     Honda will aim to achieve these environmental and safety goals while at the same time make every effort to lead advancement in the areas of mobility, power units, energy, and robotics.

     By offering this value to our customers and society and by becoming the “power” that supports ambitious people with initiative, including those who are trying to make changes to the society they live in and those seeking to enhance the quality of people’s lives, we will help people reach and achieve their potential. We describe this initiative by the phrase “Powered by Honda.”

     To have a firm footing when working toward our environmental and safety goals with strong determination, we must ensure that our goal to solidify our existing businesses is achieved. To this end, we will continue to work on optimizing production capacity and improving the efficiency of our Monozukuri (manufacturing), mainly in the automobile business, in order to reap the positive results of our ongoing effort to strengthen our business structure.

What Honda wants to achieve/direction of our initiatives

Aim to become the “power” that supports ambitious people who strive on their own initiative.

The core of Honda’s value proposition

Realize safety to protect precious human lives

Strive to eliminate environmental impact

New environmental and safety targets / Leading advancements in the areas of mobility, power units, energy, and robotics

Carbon neutrality for all products and corporate activities

Zero traffic collision fatalities involving Honda motorcycles and automobiles