Triple Action to ZERO
Initiatives to Achieve Zero Environmental Impact
For people to live on Earth in a sustainable manner, Honda seeks to realize a society with zero environmental impact.
Efforts will be centered around the Triple Action to ZERO program, which integrates three elements— carbon neutrality, clean energy and resource circulation—within a single initiative.
The three elements are closely related. As such, rather than promoting them independently, we aim to maximize synergistic benefits by considering their linkages.
We recognize that the promotion of Triple Action to ZERO will also lead to the acceleration of initiatives in international frameworks and a stronger focus on the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that are attracting increasing interest from stakeholders

Resource Circulation
100% use of sustainable materials
To address the effective utilization of resources, Honda will take on challenge of developing products and creating systems that use sustainable materials having zero environmental impact. In the area of corporate activities, Honda aims to achieve “zero” industrial water intake and industrial waste by 2050